Summer is really a great time to have fun. In fact, it’s a perfect time for travelling and going on a vacation. But with money still being tight in many places, financing your trip might become quite challenging. Worry not though, for we listed down some ways on how you could save extra bucks and still go on your well-deserved vacation.

Book Free or Cheap Flights
Travelling requires a good amount of money, but with enough researching, booking a flight won’t have that much of an effect on your savings. If you’re resourceful and disciplined enough, then you’ll be able to find discounts and deals that could help you travel even if you’re not earning a good amount of cash yet.

Travel Off-Season
Ever tried visiting a particular place during its peak season? Sure, it was fun but the congestion is just unbearable. Aside from large groups of people touring the place, businesses also tend to jack up the prices of their products during peak seasons. So if you want to avoid overspending for your travel, schedule your trip when it isn’t peak season – you’ll also be able to spare yourself from the headache.

Plan Before Leaving the House
Spontaneity might be great when you’re going on a road trip, but it won’t be that good of an idea if it’ll only cause you to end up driving in circles in Singapore. To keep that from happening, ensure that you check out all the spots you want to see first before you start exploring your chosen destination. This won’t only keep you from wasting too much time, it’ll also reduce your gas expenses.

Opt for Dorm-Style Accommodations
Unless you’re planning to have an amazing hotel staycation, you’d likely spend most of your time touring your destination. What you really need is just a place to get some good shut-eye, and most of the time, you’d feel so beat that you’ll just past out instantly. For that reason, you don’t need to sleep somewhere fancy when you’re travelling. Dorm-style hostels are a perfect choice if you plan to spend more on meaningful experiences and not on hotel accommodations.

Stop Being a Picky Eater
You won’t be able to imagine just how much money you’ll save by filling your tummy with local street food. If you really want to dine like a queen, however, the trick is to splurge only on one meal. Research about one restaurant that’s worth splurging on, then eat to your heart’s content.
Going on a vacation while saving money is possible if you just use your resources right, and meticulously plan out your trip. Simply putting the aforementioned tips to work will help you do just that, so all that’s left for you to do is enjoy your much deserved break.