Monarchy is a form of government started in the 19th century where different societies value their Kings and Queens as much as they are entitled to make laws, decide on sanctions that will be given to criminals of the society and known to lead wars and colonization of nations. These Kings or Queens were followed by the people without question because it is believed that the gods have chosen them. This is most common in ancient Babylon and Old England.

Today, monarchy is a type of government which is often paired with the United Kingdom since it is the country which has monarchy as a form of government. Nonetheless, monarchy, in general, is a type of government where a King or Queen acts as the head of the state. Now, only 44 countries have monarchy as a type of government including the United Kingdom, Japan, Mongolia, China and Middle Eastern countries. This monarchy type of government has different variations depending on the role played by the monarch.

When the monarch assumes no legal or political restraints, this type of monarchy is autocracy and is called absolute monarchy. Constitutional monarchy, a type of monarchy which is common nowadays, is characterized by a monarch who has no legal or political responsibilities. The mere role of the monarch in this type is merely representational and symbolic. Hereditary and elective monarchies are also types of monarchy. The first is characterized by the passing of title to a family member, hence the name, while the latter is characterized by a system of voting.

In the absolute type of monarchy, the King or Queen leads the country, makes sure the rules are followed and gives sanction to rule breakers. This type of government can be seen in Saudi Arabia. A less autocratic role is assumed by a monarch in a constitutional monarchy type as the monarch is also subject to the laws. The role of a monarch here is to perform symbolic and cultural roles as well as to give pardon and grant honours of the people. in other forms of monarchy, their role greatly depends on the political system they are in.

Democracy came from the word demokratia, which in Greek means the rule of the people. Demokratia itself, however, came from another two word demos, which means the people, and kratos, meaning power. Basically, democracy is the rule of the people either directly as individuals or through their elected officials. This ruling is a right provided by the constitution in which these people are also involved in making.

In a democratically ruled nation, all people have equal power through equal rights, and they also have equal responsibilities on following these laws. Once the laws are not followed, people will have equal sanctions regardless of their social status, gender, race or religious belief. The law is above all individuals; it is impartial, and it applies to everyone.

In every deliberation on issues and laws, a democratic government makes sure that all members of the society get to be heard. This can be achieved through proper representation of ever parties. In a session for deliberation, all are free to voice out their beliefs and opinions.

In decision making, the usual form a democratic government follows is through voting. In this medium, voters are equal having one equal vote each. Whatever the majority have decided will be considered as the voice of the people; therefore, that is the decision that will be followed. The minority votes rights, nonetheless, will be protected even if they will be compelled to follow the rule of the people.

When it comes to transparency of all documents, minutes of deliberation and transactions made by the government—these are all subject to scrutiny of the people. These documents and files are all accessible and open to the people. Secrecy on these matters is considered undemocratic, thus the people have the right to react. Only those information which are deemed to threaten national security are allowed not to be enclosed.

In terms of leaders’ election, people choose their leaders through voting. All leaders, even if they are in position, are not considered higher than the people. Their actions greatly rely on the people and what the people want. Leaders are simply the representation of the people.