5 Ways to Tell if Your Workplace is Really Toxic  

There are workplaces in Singapore and even around the world that are indeed too toxic too handle. A toxic place composed of toxic people to work with will not result into a healthy working relationship. In order to identify if your workplace belongs to this category, check out the list below:


  1. Major communication problems. Communication is very important in an office. It may be in different modes relayed from bottom to top or vice versa. Either way, communication applied should be effective and constant. Lack of proper communication and connection among employees can create problems and may result into conflict and misinterpretation. If you do not want difficulties to arise in your workplace, make communication open all the time.


  1. Inconsistency in following policies. You can’t force some employees to really follow office policies. That’s the problem. A workplace becomes very toxic if all the people working in it do not know how to follow simple rules and regulations. Usually even the tiniest details are neglected, what more on the general and more important policies? If employees are valued enough and are disciplined accordingly, then problems will not be incurred.


  1. Narcissistic leaders. There are different types of leaders. Narcissistic leaders are toxic to work with because they would not listen to your suggestions and contributions. They usually believe that they are the only ones who could solve problems, make creative ideas, and so on. As much as possible, it would be healthier for you to not argue with these types of leaders or better yet you and other employees can file an intervention regarding the said superior.

Young confident caucasian businessman screaming on his employee

  1. Seething disgruntlement. One way or another we all experience dissatisfaction with our jobs. Some employees are much more vocal and they often reflect their unhappiness with the level of commitment and work they put in a project or assignment. Unvalued and unhappy employees result into low performance. These people can really be toxic to work with especially if you end up doing their job for them on top of your own responsibilities.


  1. Physical and emotional health effects. If your workplace creates that unhealthy and unhappy atmosphere, you might want to evaluate if you’d still want to stay or leave. Don’t put yourself in a situation or don’t strain yourself physically and emotionally by staying in a workplace that you know doesn’t give you the fulfillment and happiness you deserve. If you seldom get sick or if you consistently experience stress and depression, maybe it’s time to find a new job or workplace that could make you feel otherwise.

Office life: business team during a meeting