Amazing Physiological Benefits of Hugging
Everything has a purpose and you will be amazed how hugging can help you and the people around you. In this case, hugging is not at all useless and nonsense. Not all Singaporeans love hugging. To them, hugging is more like invading personal space but to those who appreciate it, life is not the same without it.
You have to know that hugging can benefit your overall well-being. Hugging often can indeed change your life and to those you touch. It is time that you know the amazing physiological benefits of hugging:
• Increase bonding: There is no doubt that hugging can increase bonding. When you hug, there is a hormone that is released from the brain called oxytocin. The release of such hormones can in fact increase the feelings of intimacy and commitment.
• Relax the body: Notice that when you hug someone, it appeases you and thereby relaxing the body. It is more like letting someone help you carry whatever weight you are enduring.
• Ease pain: When hugging, endorphins will be released. This hormone can help with the relieving or easing of the pain. It can actually block the pain pathways thereby soothing the aches and increasing the soft tissue circulation.
• Relieve depression: Your brain can also increase its production of dopamine through hugging. Hugging is seen to set depression low as well as other neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson. So, if you see someone down, it won’t hurt to give a little something of yourself through hugging.
• Improve heart health: There is a study commissioned by University of North Carolina. The study found out that partners who get regular hugs have decreased heart rate. You have to know that a decreased heart rate can also decrease blood pressure as well as other cardiac illnesses.
• Boost the immune system: Hugging can actually help improve or boost the immune system. There is a study conducted by Dr. Shelden Cohen. The study proved that people who have constant hug and support did not exhibit symptoms of an infection despite their exposure.
Surely a simple thing as hugging can go a long way. The lesson here is that hug as often as you can because it feels good and it can have a positive impact on your overall wellbeing. To those who are not used to it, give yourself time and then try it. You will be surprised of how it actually feels.