Behold the Seven Magnificent Cities in the World

The New7Wonders Foundation is an initiative of Bernard Weber. The foundation was established in 2001. It seeks to protect the man-made and natural heritage of the planet. The foundation seeks to cultivate respect for the diversity. The New7Wonders has many campaigns to include New7Wonders Cities, New7Wonders of the World and New7Wonders of Nature.

For this specific period, the results for the New7Wonders Cities were announced. 7 cities were proclaimed magnificent cities in the world. Actually, there were 1200 nominees from across 220 countries but the list was narrowed to 28 cities. The qualified countries were carefully selected and online voting took place. It did not end there because of the 28 cities, only 7 were hailed the seven magnificent cities in the world. The results were announced by the founder, Bernard Weber in Dubai.

The seven magnificent cities in the world include:

  • La Paz: La Paz is in Bolivia and it is the third most populous city there. La Paz holds important cultural infrastructure in Bolivia. It has several cathedrals like San Francisco Cathedral and the Metropolitan Cathedral. Other attractions include museums, cultural centres and Murillo Square.
  • Havana: Havana is the capital city of Cuba. It is famous because it is located in the Caribbean region. Many people consider Havana because it is near United States. For more than twenty years, Havana has been a famous health tourism destination.
  • Beirut: Beirut is the capital city of Lebanon. It was considered one of the magnificent cities because of its education, culture, and heritage and of course, tourism. There are museums which speak of Lebanon’s history. In fact, Lebanon was considered top place to visit piled by The New York Times (2009) and Lonely Planet’s one of the ten liveliest cities in the world.
  • Doha: Doha is the capital city of Qatar. It is famous because it is located in the coast of Persian Gulf. In Doha, you will see different things from their culture to modern buildings like the Khalifa Stadium, Aspire Dome, Marina, Emiri Diwan, Centre Mall and many others.
  • Vigan: Vigan is in Philippines. Though it is not the capital of the Philippines, it offers many things. Vigan is in the province of Ilocos and it faces South China Sea. It is famous in the Philippines being a Hispanic town. The structures remained intact with cobblestone streets.
  • Durban: Durban is the largest city in South Africa. The city is known for its port. The city’s beaches and subtropical climate.
  • Kuala Lumpur: Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia. It is also the seat of power of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur is considered the sixth most visited city in the world. The diverse culture, shopping experience and gastronomic treats entice many.

Singapore was not included but in the hearts of Singaporeans, the city-state is number one. If you want to know why these cities were chosen, you have to visit and see it for yourself.