Many distance running and marathon events are held in Singapore yearly. This is a sport that’s been constantly evolving throughout the years. Elite runners are getting faster and records are getting broken left and right. Even so, there are still many misconceptions about running itself, both from average, “non-running” people and other fitness circles. Here are some of those and why you shouldn’t believe them too easily.

Running is easy

Obviously, everyone knows how to run. But not everyone can run competitively. In this case, running competitively means knowing the bodily mechanisms and movements that help one run in the most effective way possible.

For instance, the strategies and training programs can be very different for a sprinter and a long-distance runner. But then again, they do share common knowledge about running itself. If you don’t know the proper running form for example, and you challenge a long-distance runner to a sprint, it’s still very possible for you to lose.

Too much running can decrease muscle mass

Though this is partially true, running doesn’t exactly eat away at your muscles. This misconception is fueled by the fact that just about all elite runners we see are skinny. But it’s exactly because they’re skinny that they become elite runners and not that they’re skinny because they run.

In reality, if you do strength training, you won’t reduce your muscle size even if running is your main form of exercise. Of course, if you start increasing your mileage and stop lifting weights, that’s when you’ll stop seeing muscle gains. You won’t get smaller but won’t get any bigger as well. 

A runner has to take in as much water as possible

When it came to hydration, the runners from before thought they shouldn’t let themselves get thirsty and filled up on as much water as possible. This is because thirst is a sign of dehydration and they thought that becoming dehydrated was their body’s way of telling them to slow down.

However, because they were runners, they could never slow down. Later on though, studies have found that too much water intake before a race could drop blood sodium levels. This can cause swelling and have many long-term repercussions on our health. So, it’s been recommended to drink water only when you get thirsty.

You don’t need to build strength, just endurance

Strength and power are very important aspects in a runner’s arsenal. To use the classic example, you can’t put a Lamborghini engine on a regular old compact car. The car itself won’t be able to take the power. You need to make your body stronger so that you can maximize your potential for endurance as well.

In addition, strength training will help you make your bones, joints, and muscles stronger. This means that when you do some kind of strength or mobility-focused exercise, you’re not only making yourself more explosive, you’re also becoming less vulnerable to injuries.

In simple terms, muscular endurance is the muscle’s ability to exert force for an extended period of time. Although many people focus only on increasing their physical strength, improving muscular endurance is just as important when it comes to physical fitness. So, here are some things you should remember if you want to start working on your endurance.

Choose the right exercises

Compound exercises are movements that involve more than one muscle or joint like deadlifts, squats, and pull-ups. Compound movements are the right choice when it comes to improving muscular endurance. This is simply because if more (and larger) muscles are engaged, it will be easier to stimulate endurance in those muscles altogether. That is, compared to working a muscle in isolation which only stimulates mass and strength. 

Improve your strength

As said earlier, muscular strength and muscular endurance are different aspects of physical fitness. But that definitely doesn’t mean they can’t work hand in hand. In fact, if you’re already strong in the first place, that will have a significant effect on your muscular endurance as well.

With actual strength, you can carry weights for longer and with less effort. Think of strength as something like a box. If the box is small, of course, you can’t put a lot in it. But if it’s big, you’ll be able to do a lot more! 

Do fast-paced workouts

If you want to improve your muscular endurance, you have to be ready to do more high-intensity, fast-paced workouts. When lifting, usually you would have to use light to moderate weight doing 15-20 reps. When you go for heavy weights, your muscles will fatigue faster and will only target mass and strength. By using lighter weight, you can do the exercises longer which helps the muscle build more stamina instead.

Your rest periods should be on the lower end

Because you’re lifting lighter, it shouldn’t take long for you to rest. Basically, if you’re looking to increase strength and muscle mass, you beat up your muscles by going heavy. But if you want to improve muscular endurance, you beat up your muscles by using it as much as possible. That means you’ll have to limit your rest to just about 30 seconds to a minute between each set, depending on your workout.

Vary your routine

When it comes to endurance, we usually first think about jogging or cycling especially since these are popular in Singapore. If you already do those, that’s perfectly fine but you should also remember to change up your routine from time to time. This not only helps you utilize different methods to train for endurance, but it also keeps your workouts fun.

Working out on weekends is pretty easy, since you don’t have other things to do. You can start your Saturday by hitting the gym or spend an hour or two of leisurely bike ride in the in the afternoon.

5-tips-for-making-weekday-workouts-happen-the-everygirl (2)

Here comes Monday; just the thought of finding time for a run can be overwhelming. Morning meetings and after-work happy hours make it even harder to find time to go to the gym. But, regular exercise throughout the week is important as it helps manage stress and sleep better at night. Here’s how you can make weekday workouts happen.

  1. Get Your Gym Gear Ready

Get your workout gear all set, so you won’t have an excuse not to go to the gym. Do your laundry on weekends to make sure all your gym clothes are clean and sorted out before the week starts. Have a set of gym apparel ready at all times in your car, so you can go to the gym right away when the time allows.

  1. Schedule Your Week

Workweek can get really busy. That’s why it’s important to make a schedule in advance. On Sundays, figure out the most convenient times for you to workout. Most gyms and fitness studios nowadays have online sites where they post their monthly classes. Check your gym’s website to see which classes you can attend during the week that will fit your work schedule.


  1. Gather a Squad

Gym buddies make working out a lot easier. They don’t only keep you accountable for showing up, but they generally make working out fun. Ask around to see if anyone in your office wants to do yoga or try HIIT after work, or if someone lives near your neighbourhood for an early morning jog.

  1. Keep It Interesting

Choosing an exercise you know you’ll love will make it easier for you to start and maintain a workout schedule. But don’t limit yourself to the same exercise. Every once in a while, switch things up. Though there’s nothing wrong with getting into a routine, it’s more exciting to work out when you know you’re going to try a new type of exercise you have never tried before.

Hit the gym or just be a couch potato? Do not make the wrong choice, no matter how busy you are. While it’s a tough decision to make after a stressful day at work, remember that even Mark Zuckerberg finds time to jog several times a week. If you aren’t as busy as a business CEO, there’s no excuse for not working out on weekdays.


When you were still in your teenage years, it’s easy to wolf down fast food, candy bars, pizza, and bagels without thinking twice—because you know it won’t impact your weight. Now, even if you’re a hardcore vegan, you still struggle to lose those extra pounds. Why? It’s likely because your metabolism takes a dive over the years and ultimately affects your waistline. Now that we know what happens inside the body, here’s how your calorie-burning mechanism transforms over the years and what you can do to keep it working at its best.


In Your 20s…

Your Metabolism Peaks

Most of people benefit from their highest basal metabolic rate in their late teens to early twenties. Some hit it earlier, others later, which has a lot to do with genes, though activity level also plays a major role. After all, playing on intramurals, hoofing around campus, and doing gym classes burn more calories than sitting in an office.

But It Won’t Last Long

By late twenties, many have noticed that it seems impossible to eat the same things they used to without gaining weight and that weight loss is no longer as easy as it once was. Since this drop in the metabolic rate starts right about the time people settle into the (largely sedentary) workforce , your office job can be one of the things to blame.

In Your 30s…

Pregnancy Can Be Both Good and Bad for the Weight

If you decided to have a baby, pregnancy can give your metabolism a boost, but not enough to allow you to double your normal diet. While you need to eat for yourself and for your baby, remember that the baby is only a coule of millimetres in size, so you don’t need that much extra calories.


Breastfeeding Can Help

A huge calorie-burning power in your 30s comes from breastfeeding. The average woman who’s nursing her infant can expect to burn an extra 500 to 1,000 calories each day.

In Your 40s…

Your Hormones Significantly Decreases

During this age, your body prepares for menopausal stage, and your levels of progesterone, estrogen, and human growth hormones decrease; unfortunately, your metabolism also follows. That means you will need to focus on reducing your calorie intake to maintain a healthy weight.

Building Muscles Is a Necessity

Although this should be necessary at any age, at the age of 40 and up, your body’s natural decline in muscle mass sets in. To fight muscle loss and keep your metabolism at its peak, you really have to focus on strength training. While any exercise will burn calories, strength training provides the biggest boost in your metabolism after a workout session.

Taking care of your body and health should be practiced at any age. However, knowing exactly what your body needs according to your age allows you to reap the best benefits you can actually get from being mentally and physically fit.


Many Singaporeans now want to look good and feel good. You try to be healthy. There are people who are successful while there are others who fail. Being healthy is not only a state without illness and disease. Being healthy is a state where you take good care of your body through paying attention to the food you eat at the same allotting time to exercise regularly.


To put it simply, your goal should be to make sure that your calorie intake is equal to (or at least less than) your calorie output. You have to know that a calorie is a component of energy. If you want to live healthy, you have to achieve the recommended caloric balance.

If you maintain your current weight, the calorie that you have to consume should be equal to (or at least less than) your calorie output. If you consume calories more than our calorie output and without considering of burning it, you will surely gain weight. You all know where weight gain will lead – myriad of health issues from diabetes to heart disease and high cholesterol.


It will be for your benefit to know how much calorie is too much. According to experts, the recommended caloric intake for men is 2,200 kcal and 1,800 for females. This seems hard because here in Singapore, it is hard to watch out for the food you eat because of thousand delicacies. Indeed it sounds hard but it is not impossible.

With the help of Healthier Dining Programme, Singaporeans now are well informed when it comes to healthy eating. The recommended caloric intake will depend on the height, gender, activity level and weight. It is best that you consult your doctor for more advise on caloric balance.
