Social media is a great platform to share your thoughts and gather new ideas. For some professionals, these platforms can boost their career; while for others, it could mean the end of their profession. Do not be one of those in the latter group. Make sure to avoid these four social media mistakes to maintain a healthy environment for your professional growth.


1. Talking Trash About Your Work or Boss

Putting out your rants for the public to see is never the best way to deal with your frustrations, especially if it has something to do with your job. Even if your post is hidden from your boss, an officemate might see and forward it to him. And even though that one post or comment does not hurt your current job, it could come haunting you later on. A future prospect employer might see the post and think that you’re not healthy for his company as you have the tendency to badmouth your employer when something doesn’t go your way.

2. Badmouthing Your Clients

Like the first one, complaining about your customers can have equally damaging effects to your reputation. Numerous social media stories involving waiters who took photos of poor tips and posted them online got fired for doing such action. Complaining about customers puts the company in a bad position. Most employers in Singapore do not tolerate that, so avoid posting such complaints on your social media accounts.


3. Posting Party Photos with Alcohol

You have probably heard stories that someone lost a job because of posting photos on social media with tequila on hand, or more like engaging in wild parties. Sometimes, people even post photos of themselves in company uniform, lewdly dancing and making offensive hand gestures. Some photos are best kept private. Before posting something online, consider if you would want your employer or colleague to see it.

4. Writing Something About Your Political Views

Working for a company also means representing them wherever you go and in whatever you do. As such, whatever you write and post online will now be reflected on the company you’re working with. Before posting any of your political views, think about this every time. Typically, political contents that swing extremely right or left are flagged as inappropriate by companies. The best thing you can do is to keep your posts wholesome or simply keep your political views to yourself.


On way to boost your professional image is by being mindful of your social media activities. As long as you keep these tips in mind, you will keep your job and your professional reputation intact.

Internet has myriad of benefits but we cannot deny the fact that the internet is increasingly moving us away from traditional conducts of staying in touch. As a result, friendship in the digital age has totally transformed. There is a study conducted by Oxford University and BT Mobile that revealed a clear picture of English people in terms of digital exposure.


The study included 2,000 adults and it revealed that a person in United Kingdom devotes 4 hours and 12 minutes every day socializing online. These people have at least 178 circle of social media friends, send about 31 text messages, post 13 Facebook comments, tweet 6 times and email 11 times. Furthermore, the average person sends first message (of the day) at 9:04 AM and last at 9:29 PM.

Although there are no studies about how Singaporeans conduct their activities on social media, this can give us a clear picture. With this, the researchers came up with rules of digital etiquettes. These etiquettes should be lived by in this digital age. Here are some digital etiquettes that you should know about:

Do not private message someone you do not know

Unless you do not want to be ridiculed by someone, do not private message him/her especially if you do not know him/her. If you have something important to say, at least introduce yourself.

Never hide viewing history from thy partner

To avoid trust issues, do not hide your viewing history from your partner. If you do not have anything to hide, why conceal it in the first place?

Do not overshare on Facebook

There is nothing wrong if you share few good books, movies and some pictures but you have to be careful so as not to overshare it. For example, do not divulge your address and say that you are alone. It can be the opportunity of other people to do something bad.


Never look through your partner’s phone

In a relationship, trust is the very foundation. If you do not trust your partner that much, you try to sneak through their phone and eventually their social media accounts. That is not good. Let your partner have his/her privacy.

Do not post to social media when you are emotional

When you are emotional, you tend to say lots of things – some you do not mean. Once you click or post something, it will be out in the public and it is not easy to retract. When you are emotional, deal with it privately and do not let the whole world know. If you cannot handle everything on your own, at least divulge it to your closest friends.

Do not send text messages when angry

When you are angry, you want to vent out but social media is not the right platform to do that. If you are angry, be angry to one person and not the whole crowd.

Humans, by nature, are social beings. Our enjoyments are linked to other people and it is not a surprise that we invest much effort and time into keeping in touch with acquaintances and friends. There is nothing wrong with the digital age but we have to learn few etiquettes so as not to hurt many people.
