The internet is used by almost every person around the world today. No matter where you go in Singapore, you’ll see people spend much of their time online through their phones or computers. This, of course, doesn’t mean that the internet is safe. With the rise of the internet has come the rise of cybercrime as well. But, there are a lot of things you can do to keep yourself safe online!
Make sure to back up your data

So first of all, remember to back up your files regularly. It’s highly likely that you are already vulnerable before you even read this article. And if by some chance you download a malware that wipes out all your data, you’ll have to say goodbye to all your files. Unless you’ve already backed them up! This is why it’s important to take these measures. Just remember to back up your files regularly!
Change your passwords frequently

Before anything else, don’t be too simplistic with your passwords. Having “password123” as your code will be very easy to crack. Hackers already a lot of different tools to crack passwords and it’s easy for them to get you if you use common words and terms. That is why you should also change your passwords often. You can do it every 6 months or every year. At the same time, you should avoid having the same password for all your accounts.
Exercise caution when opening emails

One of the most common ways hackers get their victims is by attaching malware to emails. Once you download that malware, the hacker can do just about anything. When checking mail, one of the first things you should obviously look at is the sender.
If it’s a stranger saying he/she is from a certain establishment (for example a bank), don’t trust them too easily. Search for the establishment first and see if they actually exist. If they do, give them a call or contact their main website to make sure it’s actually them that’s emailing you.
Don’t share too much online

Do you always share photos of your trips? Do your social media accounts track your location? Do you share the names of your family members online? If you do, it might be time to reconsider your choices.
Sharing too much information online is basically declaring inviting cybercriminals to your doorstep. Identity theft, asking for ransom, and different kinds of threats are only some of the many possible things they can do.
Keep your software up-to-date

One of the easiest ways to protect yourself is to constantly update your operating systems and other software. This will keep your security software up-to-date and allow your device to do necessary bug fixes. This way, it will be significantly harder for hackers to actually have access to your system.