The internet is used by almost every person around the world today. No matter where you go in Singapore, you’ll see people spend much of their time online through their phones or computers. This, of course, doesn’t mean that the internet is safe. With the rise of the internet has come the rise of cybercrime as well. But, there are a lot of things you can do to keep yourself safe online!  

Make sure to back up your data

So first of all, remember to back up your files regularly. It’s highly likely that you are already vulnerable before you even read this article. And if by some chance you download a malware that wipes out all your data, you’ll have to say goodbye to all your files. Unless you’ve already backed them up! This is why it’s important to take these measures. Just remember to back up your files regularly!

Change your passwords frequently

Before anything else, don’t be too simplistic with your passwords. Having “password123” as your code will be very easy to crack. Hackers already a lot of different tools to crack passwords and it’s easy for them to get you if you use common words and terms. That is why you should also change your passwords often. You can do it every 6 months or every year. At the same time, you should avoid having the same password for all your accounts.

Exercise caution when opening emails

One of the most common ways hackers get their victims is by attaching malware to emails. Once you download that malware, the hacker can do just about anything. When checking mail, one of the first things you should obviously look at is the sender.

If it’s a stranger saying he/she is from a certain establishment (for example a bank), don’t trust them too easily. Search for the establishment first and see if they actually exist. If they do, give them a call or contact their main website to make sure it’s actually them that’s emailing you.

Don’t share too much online

Do you always share photos of your trips? Do your social media accounts track your location? Do you share the names of your family members online? If you do, it might be time to reconsider your choices.

Sharing too much information online is basically declaring inviting cybercriminals to your doorstep. Identity theft, asking for ransom, and different kinds of threats are only some of the many possible things they can do.

Keep your software up-to-date

One of the easiest ways to protect yourself is to constantly update your operating systems and other software. This will keep your security software up-to-date and allow your device to do necessary bug fixes. This way, it will be significantly harder for hackers to actually have access to your system.

You are given a chance to travel for business. That makes you feel really special. If you are sent to somewhere to conduct business in behalf of the company, it is imperative that you bring along different items to stay connected. You should bring your laptop. The good news is that there are lightweight laptops available here in Singapore now. These lightweight laptops can make your business trip trouble-free.


The only challenge that you will encounter is choosing which tech brands offer the thinnest or lightest. Who would want lugging bulky computers when traveling? You can actually choose tablets but it is not practical especially if you are used to a full-size keyboard. Laptops should be carried when for any business trip. Here is a list of lightweight laptops available in the market now perfect for any business trips:

  1. HP Spectre: HP Spectre boasts of .40 inch thick design plus 2.45 pounds weight. It is surely lightweight but developers spared some designs like its two-tone black and gold finish plus rounded piston hinges. Speakers are Bang & Olufsen. It costs about $1,425.


  1. MacBook Air: MacBook air brags of 13.3-inch widescreen display. Though it is not light as other MacBook at 2.96 pounds. It is idea for business trips where sockets are not readily available because of its up to 12 hours battery life. It costs about $999.


  1. Macbook: If you want lighter and thinner Mac than the previous one, this is the perfect choice. It has 12-inch retina display and weighs about 2.03 pounds. Its battery life is up to 10 hours. The good news is that you can choose many finishes from metallic gray to rose gold. It costs about $1,299.


  1. Dell XPS 13: Thin laptops tend to compromise other features in an effort to slim down. But not the Dell XPS 13. It boasts of an Intel Core i7 processor plus one terabyte storage not to mention 6 ports. It weighs 2.7 pounds. It costs about $1,422.


  1. Vaio Z: If you do not look closely, Vaio Z can be mistaken as a Macbook Pro. It weighs 2.58 pounds with 0.59 to 0.66 inch thickness. Vaio made it from aluminium, mica stone and carbon. It costs $1,799.

There is nothing wrong if you mix business with pleasure. After working hard, you can finally explore the corners of whatever place you are in. Do not forget to have fun in the process. You can buy these laptops around do not worry.


There are different internet service providers here in Singapore that sometimes you get confused of what to consider. The good news is that there are different factors that you can consider when shopping around for the right internet service provider. It is a good idea to call every service providers and ask for details but sometimes, you have to do your work first.


You should gather information first. Here are some factors that you should consider when shopping around for internet service providers:

  • Speed: The first thing that you have to ask is their speed. Internet service providers will offer different speeds. If you are only thinking about home web surfing, speed should not be an issue to you. However if you think about YouTube uploading and streaming, you should put heavy emphasis on speed. For example, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or fiber-optics is a good choice but the speed tends to vary depending on your area and the time of day. If you are far from their offices, there is a tendency that the speed is slow.
  • Additional cost: Other service providers tend to conceal other costs like renting a router or modem. Others providers can give it for your free. Upon signing up, make sure that a router or modem will not give you additional costs.

network cables connected to switch

  • Data caps: Service providers will usually impose a monthly “cap”. This is how much data you can actually use and download. There are other companies that do not offer monthly cap. This is good for people who are frequent YouTube and Netflix user.
  • Bundling: Bundling can help you save money more. If you have an existing phone or cable service, bundling should be considered. Ask for bundling prices first before indulging.
  • Add-ons: Service providers will also offer add-ons like firewalls and software. Don’t just pay it without thinking. It is a good idea to have spyware and antivirus protection but you can get it from outside which is cheaper.
  • Other deals: Over the phone, you will be enticed of introductory deals. It is good but you have to know how much you will adjust after some time. Compare the “regular” prices and determine if you can save.

Now that you know what factors to consider, it is time that you make your choice before it is too late. Do not delay internet connection especially if you feel it can help your kids with their studies.

Choose wisely! When things get rough, anyway you can just call the company’s customer service.


There are many photographers in Singapore – both professional and hobbyists – who are slowly turning in their DSLRs for a Mirrorless Camera. A Mirrorless Camera also known as Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera (MILC) is as its name suggests a camera that has no mirror. It also features lens interchangeability. Mirrorless Cameras have only been introduced in the market eight years ago but this type of camera is definitely drawing some attention. Generally, these cameras are smaller in build and cheaper than your typical DSLR but they also come with a lot of fascinating features that pushes a new bar of competition against its higher end counterparts. But before you decide to replace your DSLR with a Mirrorless Camera, let me share some things you need to know about this type – what makes them great and what makes them not so.


The Camera is Compact

As already mentioned, a Mirrorless Camera is generally small in size. The camera has reduced one main factor which is the mirror. This then allows the lens to be mounted closer to the sensors. The lens is also built in small sizes in order to match the size of the sensors which explains why most of these cameras are small. On top of this, a Mirrorless Camera is also light-weight.

The Camera’s Autofocus

The hybrid autofocus system turned everything around by turning this well-known area of weakness for Mirrorless Cameras. The autofocus used to be so bad but now they’re the camera’s main asset. The hybrid autofocus system enabled the Mirrorless Camera to produce outputs that are more consistent and accurate even when compared to other cameras like DSLRs.

The Camera’s Video Quality


This is something that advocates of Mirrorless Cameras are proud of. This type of camera is proven to be able to produce photographic tricks that most photographers would want to have. The Mirrorless Camera is also known to produce better (if not the best) quality for videos.

The Camera Is Your Investment

Usually it’s the lenses that photographers spend much money on. A lens can do a lot and there are many classes to choose from. What’s great about Mirrorless Cameras is that with the use of an adapter, it is possible to use different kinds of DSLR and non-DSLR lenses on Mirrorless Cameras. So what this really means is you can enjoy all the lenses you have in just one body of camera. That makes this type of camera an investment in itself.

The Camera’s Limitations

Again, it’s only been 8 years since Mirrorless Cameras entered the market scene so it’s really the newest type of camera. What this means is you can expect a lot of inconsistencies on the camera manufacturers’ market and product performance for the Mirrorless Camera. These cameras have also a shorter battery life as compared to DSLRs – that’s a blow. They also don’t have an optical viewfinder which causes noticeable lag time in live footages. This puts the Mirrorless Camera at a disadvantage when capturing photos of moving objects.


Robots are here in Singapore for a reason and it is for the best. The advancement of robotics has made the life of people easier and more comfortable. Its use ranges from manufacturing to health care. Robotics is mainly evident in safety and productivity. It does not end there because robotics saves time and money.


There are Singaporeans who despise the advent of robotics but there are others who embrace it wholeheartedly. It was mentioned earlier that robotics can be used in health care. In this line, there are some robots manufactured than can make the life of people easier and more comfortable here in Singapore. These robots will specifically benefit the elders.

Here are some robots worth mentioning:

1. Xuan

Xuan is the name of the robot created by Ngee Ann Polytechnic. You should know that Xuan can serve as your exercise coach. As of today, Xuan services almost forty senior citizens in Lions Befrienders Senior Activity Centre located at Mei Ling Street. Xuan is not the last because there are other digital companions set to help out the elderly.

2. Eric

Eric the robo-dog is actually short for Elderly Rehabilitative Interactive Companion. Actually, Eric is the first robotic dog here in Singapore that is designed to service the elderly. The dog helps the elderly with their exercise routines at Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens. The robo-dog is fortified with visual sensors that permit it to react to the elder’s movements. Eric will surely make the exercise more fun for elders.

3. Pepper

Elders will be excited to hear that there is a robot that can read human emotions. The robot is called Pepper. Pepper is manufactured by SoftBank, a Japanese telecommunications company. Pepper will be released in February of this year.


4. Asimo

Asimo is probably the most popular of all robots. Asimo is created by Honda. It is only 1.3 metres tall and looks like a petite astronaut. The robot can walk, run and climb the stairs. It can also serve a drink and shake one’s hand. Asimo is created to assist people with reduced mobility.

5. Huggler

Elders will be deceived of a stuffed monkey. The stuffed monkey is not your ordinary toy. It can laugh and grunt wherever you touch it. Huggler can help in terms of improving the quality of life of the elders.

Now the old can spend their silver years with robots that do not get tired of serving them. The infinite stamina and the permanent beam of the robots can make a difference. You should support your elderly if they choose to avail of the services of the robots.




You travelled in and out of Singapore myriad of times. Flight attendants always remind you to turn off your mobile phones. You just comply without knowing the reason. What is the reason behind this? The use of mobile phones aboard airplanes is restricted to avert disruption to the cellular towers on ground.

In United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) permits the use of wireless devices during the flight only if the airline determined that the device will not restrict aircraft navigation or communication.  Since most of airline companies restrict the use of mobile phones while airborne, it became a habit of all passengers to turn off their mobile phones.

Many passengers are insistent that the airlines allow the use of mobile phones. You should know that there are airlines that now deregulate the use of mobile phones. Qantas and Virgin are proud to announce that Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) granted their request to change the rule about mobile phones.

Other airlines are expected to follow the lead of Qantas and Virgin. What prompted the CASA to grant the request of both airlines? CASA said that their aircrafts are now designed with the technology that can deal with electromagnetic interference. However, when the aircraft door is closed, everyone is encouraged to turn their phones in “flight mode”.

Just do what the authorities say to ensure a safe and smooth travel. Do not oppose the authorities because they know what they are doing. So, the next time you fly in and out of Singapore, be sure to turn off your phones.