Common Travel Mistakes
Travelling is not an exact science. There are no systems or standards behind a successful one but the good thing is that you learn. You have to know though that there are certain mistakes that you are making when travelling and if you avoid these mistakes, your travel will be smoother and a lot easier.
You make mistakes when traveling and it is perfectly normal. The important thing here is you thought of something and correct it before it can totally destroy your vacation. If you are planning to travel outside of Singapore, you have to be conscious of some mistakes and try to correct it. Here are common mistakes you make when travelling:
1. Packing many shoes. There is nothing wrong if you want to look good outside but it is just wrong if you pack too many shoes. You only need two shoes when travelling – one casual and one fancy. You do not need to bring your rubber shoes, sneakers, stilettos and the like. Settle for at least two shoes.
2. Flying blind. Just like in school, when you anticipate an exam or quiz, you prepare beforehand so you will not get zero. Travelling is like that. You need to study before or you may fly blind. You are wasting your time if you are wandering around a neighbourhood because you do not know where to go. You have to make an itinerary and research on routes.
3. Changing money. Here in Singapore, ATM is everywhere so you can withdraw anywhere. If you are travelling outside, you have to know that most foreign countries do not have ATMs in every corner with your currency. You have to change money before embarking.
4. Not dressing properly. You do not climb Mt. Kilimanjaro or go on a safari wearing high heels. You wear proper clothing so you can travel comfortably. You have to research the proper attire if you must. Factor in the weather so you will not get too cold or too warm.
5. Forgetting your chargers and converters. If you want to stay connected while travelling, do not forget about your chargers and your converters. If you are confident that you can just buy a chargers in a market, you have to think twice. To be safe, do not forget to pack your chargers and your converters.
6. Forgetting the sunscreen. You can enjoy the rays by simply applying your sunscreen. Sometimes, umbrellas are too inconvenient while walking. If you want to enjoy the place as it is, you only need to apply sunscreen and just walk.