Different Types of Headaches

A headache can be a symptom of an illness or it could be an effect of medication and injury, that is why not all headaches will go away just by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. Being able to recognize the differences in headaches mean that you either get a proper medication and rest or survive through a pain-filled unproductive day at work.

These are the types of headaches you need to remember.

Tension Headache

This is often triggered by stress regardless of age of current health condition. While the pain usually goes away after a while, it isn’t a crippling, throbbing pain that will get in the way of work. There might be some sensitivity in some areas of the body such as the shoulders, neck, forehead, and scalp. If, however, you experience this regularly, you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor in Singapore.


Migraineurs have different symptoms but they commonly experience intense pain that pulses or throbs inside the head. During an attack, they can be sensitive to light and sound or they could also experience symptoms before an attack happens. Most of the time over-the-counter medication does not help with the pain, that is why migraineurs are advised to seek help from a doctor to identify triggers and reduce attacks.

Hypnic Headache

This is the type of headache that usually happens while the person is asleep. It can also be mistaken for a migraine or cluster headache but the throbbing pain on both sides of the head is a lot milder.

Cluster Headache

This is the worst type of headache you can get because the pain feels like it’s burning or piercing especially on one side of the face or behind one or both eyes. It might be mistaken for a migraine, but it also includes swelling or redness on the areas that are affected, as well as nasal congestion.

Caffeine Headache

This is becoming more common nowadays because of coffee addiction and may be a sign of one of the following: withdrawal, overdose, over-consumption, allergy, and sensitivity to caffeine.

Sinus/Allergy Headache

The headache is the result of the pressure in the sinus area, especially if it is congested. It can also be a symptom of an infection resulting from the congestion. Most people who experience this have sinusitis or seasonal allergies, that is why the goal of the treatment is to reduce the mucus buildup, avoid allergens, and to treat infections with antibiotics.

Hypertension Headache

This should be considered an emergency especially if you have been diagnosed with a heart disease. Symptoms may seem harmless, but an elevated blood pressure should not be ignored. Symptoms include chest pain, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, vision problems, and confusion or fatigue.

Rebound Headache

This is a side effect of the overuse of medications and is usually the result of relying too much on painkillers for headaches. For people who need medication for migraines, they are advised to avoid codeine, to use preventive medications, and to take painkillers not more than twice a week.