Factors to Consider When Shopping Around for Internet Service Providers
There are different internet service providers here in Singapore that sometimes you get confused of what to consider. The good news is that there are different factors that you can consider when shopping around for the right internet service provider. It is a good idea to call every service providers and ask for details but sometimes, you have to do your work first.
You should gather information first. Here are some factors that you should consider when shopping around for internet service providers:
- Speed: The first thing that you have to ask is their speed. Internet service providers will offer different speeds. If you are only thinking about home web surfing, speed should not be an issue to you. However if you think about YouTube uploading and streaming, you should put heavy emphasis on speed. For example, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or fiber-optics is a good choice but the speed tends to vary depending on your area and the time of day. If you are far from their offices, there is a tendency that the speed is slow.
- Additional cost: Other service providers tend to conceal other costs like renting a router or modem. Others providers can give it for your free. Upon signing up, make sure that a router or modem will not give you additional costs.
- Data caps: Service providers will usually impose a monthly “cap”. This is how much data you can actually use and download. There are other companies that do not offer monthly cap. This is good for people who are frequent YouTube and Netflix user.
- Bundling: Bundling can help you save money more. If you have an existing phone or cable service, bundling should be considered. Ask for bundling prices first before indulging.
- Add-ons: Service providers will also offer add-ons like firewalls and software. Don’t just pay it without thinking. It is a good idea to have spyware and antivirus protection but you can get it from outside which is cheaper.
- Other deals: Over the phone, you will be enticed of introductory deals. It is good but you have to know how much you will adjust after some time. Compare the “regular” prices and determine if you can save.
Now that you know what factors to consider, it is time that you make your choice before it is too late. Do not delay internet connection especially if you feel it can help your kids with their studies.
Choose wisely! When things get rough, anyway you can just call the company’s customer service.