Feeling Sluggish After Lunch Break?  

Ever have that experience of feeling lethargic after having your lunch? According to a Business Insider article, this is very normal. It manifests that the body clock is working properly and the body is reaction well to the food we just ate.


However, do not think that you’ll not feel sluggish if you skip lunch. A slump in your mood during the afternoon is pretty normal. Experts report that the body will want to take a rest seven hours after being woken up.

The circadian rhythm, or also known as the body’s 24-hour cycle is at its resting phase during the afternoon. Another body cycle that converges with the circadian rhythm is the homeostatic, the cycle that measures the amount of time a person spends conscious. This cycle also pushes the body to take a rest.

When we are in school or at work however, we cannot afford to rest whenever we feel like it. We give you simple tips to fight off sluggishness


  • Eat at the right time.

Not eating during regular times can wreck a havoc to one’s circadian rhythm. Eating on the right time consistently prevent the loss of energy that can worsen sleepiness. Follow a regular eating pattern to keep alert daily.

  • Avoid sugary foods.

Stocking up on sweet snacks to have that rush of energy and alertness? This move is more counterproductive. Sugar consumption is known to give us a burst of energy for the day. Unfortunately, the effects are only temporary. After that sudden burst of energy, you will immediately crash and be sleepier than before. Instead of indulging in sweets, have regular healthy snacks prepared at home.


  • Coffee break timing is also important.

Coffee breaks are a workplace staple situation. The caffeine helps us feel alert when we encounter drowsiness. The body naturally produces cortisol in order for us to be awake and alert at specific times of the day. Observe when these periods are and avoid taking caffeine during these times. Instead, focus on these time sequence: 9:30 am – 11:30 am – 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm.

  • Stay fit and work out.

If your office has an indoor gym, then you are lucky. Take advantage of this added perk and work out routinely. Do aerobic exercises to fight off sleepiness and boost your work capacity. Every time you feel lethargic, hit the gym. If you simply have no time to go to the gym, do some good stretches at your desk or simply take a walk.
