Buying a motorcycle is very different from buying a car because there are various factors you need to consider that you would not need when selecting a car. You need to research not just the pricing and models but the practicability, safety, and comfort of its use.

If this is your first time selecting a motorcycle, here are some tips that can help you.

Attend a rider training course. If you have never ridden a motorcycle other than for practice, then it is essential that you know the ins and outs of the traffic laws, so you don’t get in trouble. It is also important that you remember all the safety precautions because motorcycles are prone to accidents. Driving lessons cover theories and practical applications.

Know where and how to get a license. The best option in Singapore is to hire driving instructors at specific driving schools only. The first license you will get is the Class 2B which will allow you to use motorcycles up to 200 cc. You will only be able to get your Class 2A license after a year, which allows you to use motorcycles up to 400 cc. After another year, you can get sign up for Class 2 course that will let you use any type of motorcycle.

Consider your skill level. Since the license will limit you to certain types of motorcycles, you have no freedom of choice yet during the first two years. That works perfectly because you need to be comfortable with the bike and an expert on it to avoid mishaps. You will have enough time to build you skill and confidence.

Be informed about maintenance costs. Some expensive bikes will of course be more difficult to maintain than the common cheaper models. If your bike will be used for daily commuting, then you should get a trusted model that is built for durability and longevity. There is no need to get a fancy model that you can’t afford to pay for much less maintain in good condition. Depending on the manufacturer, you should pick a brand that has a convenient service center in Singapore.

Know what CC means. CC stands for cubic centimeters which refers to the size of the motorcycle engine. It also measures the engine displacement which will determine how fast it will consume the fuel and how powerful the engine is. As a beginner and as stipulated in the rules about getting a license, you should start with 200 cc.

Consider the number of cylinders. You also have to take into account how many cylinders you would need in a bike. One or two cylinders should be enough for regular trips to the office, because the cylinders will only affect the torque when accelerating. Having more than two cylinders can be difficult for a beginner to handle.

Know how to fix small problems. Even with proper maintenance, your motorcycle is going to break down from frequent use, so you must at least possess the necessary skills to address small repairs. For this you will need to read beginner manuals and keep the necessary tools to do it.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time for most couples, but it’s not without its challenges especially for women. Some have pre-existing problems before the pregnancy that could make their nine-month journey less pleasant, while others develop health problems during pregnancy.

If you and your husband are planning to have a baby soon, you need to be aware of possible complications in pregnancy to help you prepare more effectively.

Before Pregnancy

  • Infections, specifically sexually-transmitted infections that have not been treated will affect pregnancy and can cause a lot of problems for the baby. There is also a possibility of passing on the infection to the baby if you and your partner were not screened for infections. Early screening in Singapore can help you get the right treatment for a worry-free pregnancy.
  • High Blood Pressure can put you at risk for placental abruption and preeclampsia. If you are hypertensive, you should continue your treatment throughout your pregnancy to avoid these life-threatening complications.
  • Obesity and other eating disorders can make pregnancy an unpleasant experience for you, because they will increase the risk of developing a host of complications such as, premature birth, depression, and preeclampsia.
  • Uterine Fibroids sometimes do not produce any symptom, that is why it’s important for women to get checked annually, especially during childbearing years. If left untreated, it could possibly lead to miscarriage and a difficult labor and childbirth.

During Pregnancy

  • Preeclampsia or toxemia is a life-threatening complication that is a result of other health problems, such as, hypertension, obesity, kidney disease, high glucose levels, and systemic lupus. First pregnancies and late pregnancies also increase the likelihood of having preeclampsia. Symptoms include high blood pressure, dizziness and headaches, swollen face and hands, and stomach pain.
  • Gestational Diabetes usually develops during the second trimester if the mother’s body does not develop enough insulin to break down glucose. If left untreated, it could lead to preeclampsia, hypertension, or an overweight infant.
  • Low Amniotic Fluid, also called oligohydramnios, is a condition characterized by not having enough amniotic fluid to protect the fetus. Some women with the condition need induced labor at the end of their pregnancy.
  • Placenta Previa means that the woman’s uterus is positioned low above or next to the cervix. It can cause bleeding during the late stages of pregnancy, that is why regular checkups and bed rest are recommended to avoid further bleeding.
  • Miscarriage can’t be prevented in some cases and will usually start with spotting or bleeding, abdominal cramps, and the passing of fluid or tissue from the vagina. Some women even miscarry and are not aware that they are pregnant, while others might require treatment to remove the pregnancy tissue in their uterus after the miscarriage.
  • Premature Labor and Birth means that the mother goes into labor before the 37th week of pregnancy. She will experience pelvic cramps and back pain, vaginal discharge, and contractions.

If you haven’t been living underground for most of your life, you will notice a big difference in the summers of your childhood and today’s summers. The differences are even more obvious in the cities especially those located near the equator because of the cumulative effects to the environment of modernization. How do you survive in this inferno?

Check the ventilation in your home. Do not rely entirely on air conditioners to keep you cool during hot days. You should also keep in mind that air circulation and humidity can be huge factors. You can minimize the heat by making sure to close the curtains on the windows facing the sunlight and to let out the air occasionally by opening the windows near shaded areas.

Avoid caffeine. Limit your coffee consumption to early mornings when the day is still cool. If you need to keep energized at work, you should substitute coffee with other food and beverages. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means you will feel dehydrated easily if you rely on it too much.

Turn off your appliances. If you don’t need lights to move around in your home, then turn them off. You should also put down your cell phone if you have nothing better to do. The heat and light from appliances can make the place warmer.

Avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is also a diuretic like caffeine, so you should limit your alcohol intake as much as possible.

Wear comfortable clothes. If you are staying at home, wear your most comfortable light-colored clothes. But if you need to go to the office, you should choose garments that are made from light fabric and have light colors. Dark colors absorb heat.

Limit protein intake. Protein can increase body heat and metabolism, which is why you should eat more fruits and vegetables instead during hot days.

Limit rigorous workouts. You might want to reschedule biking and hiking to cooler months in the year. Instead, summer should be for less rigorous workout routines like swimming, yoga, and indoor sports. Or you could also schedule your outdoor activities in the early hours of the morning or after sunset when it’s cooler. Stay out of the sun if possible.

Cool off downstairs. If your apartment has a lobby or sitting area in the lobby, you should stay there if your unit feels warm and stuffy. Remember that hot air rises because cool air is heavier. It is also a good opportunity to go to a park where you can enjoy fresh air.

Get a haircut. It is also the best time to get your hair trimmed. You will also spend less time fixing it in the morning.

Keep hydrated. Always take a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated. Do not wait for your body to feel thirsty before drinking water. If possible, avoid fruit juices, sports drinks, and tea because they are sugary. Clean water should be enough.

Lack of sleep is a silent epidemic in the modern world. Most of us associate health problems with poor diet and lack of exercise, but we fail to acknowledge how sleep affects mental and physical health.

In the world, researchers have found that for most working adults, the 7-hour sleep is considered normal. While sleeping may be different for individuals, an average of 7 hours is still considered inadequate.

Below are some habits that contribute to difficulty sleeping.

Eating just before bedtime

This is a common scenario in a busy household. After doing extra hours at work, you come home late to have a late dinner. You don’t give your body enough time to start digesting before going to bed because you’re tired from work. If you want a late-night snack, try food which contain calcium which promote sleep such as milk and crackers.

Drinking coffee before bedtime

Do not drink coffee, tea or soda three hours before bedtime. There are also plenty of food that contain caffeine such as dark chocolate. You will be tossing and turning in bed until the caffeine wears off.

Drinking alcohol before bedtime

There is a belief that alcohol promotes good sleep because it makes you feel sleepy, but most people forget that falling asleep quickly does not equate to a restful sleep. Alcohol disturbs the body’s sleep cycle when it is metabolized.

Relying on your alarm clock to wake up

If you go to bed anxious whether you will wake up on time, you are just making it more difficult to sleep. Maybe you should get rid of the alarms completely and focus on going to bed early instead.

You don’t try to relax before sleeping

Tucking yourself in to bed and then closing your eyes will not guarantee you will sleep within minutes. In fact, you might feel even more anxious if you’re still awake with your eyes closed. Try to relax first to signal to your body that it’s time to go to bed. Turn down the lights, put away your phone, and keep away distractions. Reading on your phone, laptop or e-reader or reading a printed book under a lamp are bad ideas, too.

Your bedroom isn’t cool

Not only will lights and noise make for an unrestful sleep, but even warm temperatures. Your room should be cool and relaxing, not hot and humid.

Using your smartphone before going to sleep

Blue light can disturb your sleep pattern. The content you browse will also keep your mind alert and might not make you feel relaxed. No social media post if worth losing sleep over.

You don’t go to bed consistently

It is important to stick to your regular sleeping schedule no matter how busy you are. It might be strange to you, but our bodies cannot adjust quickly to cope with changing sleeping patterns. You will notice this when a person moves to a location with a different time zone.

A lot of men think it’s too much of a hassle to know about fashion and style. Of course, that is partly true, but one should think of it more as an investment than a liability. Let’s say you’ve been invited to a small event.

You’ve been told to wear simple, business casual but you have no idea what that is so you just wear a polo shirt and jeans. Simply put, knowledge about style will not only save you from embarrassment but you’ll also look more appealing and confident! So, here are some style tips you should consider.

Have a go-to tailor

Any piece of clothing will look better on you when it perfectly fits. When you’re looking for long sleeves or a suit, for example, you will most likely find some in a department store or a specialty store. But, if you do find one, 90% of the time it won’t fit perfectly. This is why you go to a tailor for adjustments. Better yet, if you become a loyal customer, you can get custom-tailored clothing that will always fit you perfectly.

Shop with a friend

Preferably a girl you’re comfortable with. This is because they simply have more basic knowledge about fashion already. Of course, not all girls will be good at this so if you were to bring a female friend, choose someone whose fashion you also like.

In addition, if we’re being real about it, salespeople will sell you items no matter if you look good in them or not. If you have a friend with you, he/she can give honest feedback and give all sorts of recommendations.

Shoes are underrated

Once you start paying attention to your style, you’ll realize that shoes are a big factor. Sometimes it’ll feel like everything looks good but only your shoes are out of place. This is because there are shoes that look okay with certain types of pants and there are also some that simply look horrible.

That’s why it will be better to buy more shoes. Not exactly a lot but one of each style like a pair of sneakers, a pair of running shoes, one pair of oxfords, etc.

Anything you haven’t used for a year, sell or donate

There are a lot of establishments in Singapore where you can donate clothes. If you haven’t worn a piece of clothing after a year, it’s better to just get rid of it. Chances are it doesn’t fit you anymore or you’ve just moved on from those designs and styles. You can reduce the clutter in your wardrobe and free up more space.  Plus, if you’re looking to make a little money, you can always sell those clothes online as well.

Many distance running and marathon events are held in Singapore yearly. This is a sport that’s been constantly evolving throughout the years. Elite runners are getting faster and records are getting broken left and right. Even so, there are still many misconceptions about running itself, both from average, “non-running” people and other fitness circles. Here are some of those and why you shouldn’t believe them too easily.

Running is easy

Obviously, everyone knows how to run. But not everyone can run competitively. In this case, running competitively means knowing the bodily mechanisms and movements that help one run in the most effective way possible.

For instance, the strategies and training programs can be very different for a sprinter and a long-distance runner. But then again, they do share common knowledge about running itself. If you don’t know the proper running form for example, and you challenge a long-distance runner to a sprint, it’s still very possible for you to lose.

Too much running can decrease muscle mass

Though this is partially true, running doesn’t exactly eat away at your muscles. This misconception is fueled by the fact that just about all elite runners we see are skinny. But it’s exactly because they’re skinny that they become elite runners and not that they’re skinny because they run.

In reality, if you do strength training, you won’t reduce your muscle size even if running is your main form of exercise. Of course, if you start increasing your mileage and stop lifting weights, that’s when you’ll stop seeing muscle gains. You won’t get smaller but won’t get any bigger as well. 

A runner has to take in as much water as possible

When it came to hydration, the runners from before thought they shouldn’t let themselves get thirsty and filled up on as much water as possible. This is because thirst is a sign of dehydration and they thought that becoming dehydrated was their body’s way of telling them to slow down.

However, because they were runners, they could never slow down. Later on though, studies have found that too much water intake before a race could drop blood sodium levels. This can cause swelling and have many long-term repercussions on our health. So, it’s been recommended to drink water only when you get thirsty.

You don’t need to build strength, just endurance

Strength and power are very important aspects in a runner’s arsenal. To use the classic example, you can’t put a Lamborghini engine on a regular old compact car. The car itself won’t be able to take the power. You need to make your body stronger so that you can maximize your potential for endurance as well.

In addition, strength training will help you make your bones, joints, and muscles stronger. This means that when you do some kind of strength or mobility-focused exercise, you’re not only making yourself more explosive, you’re also becoming less vulnerable to injuries.