Pre-Menstrual Breakouts: Why You Get Them and How to Treat Them
Most of us have experienced them, but only a few talks about them. Can we really control pre-menstrual breakouts? How do you know if yours is just a runoff-the-mill breakout or one that’s reated to your cycle? Questions like these are very common, and for any lady who wants to keep her skin as clear and beautiful as possible, it helps to know the answer for all these questions. Here’s to help you get to know your skin cycle so you can keep your skin flawless during that time of the month.
A Week Before Your Period
Your skin is in full PMS mode, thanks to your hyper levels of progesterone (the hormone that amps up the skin’s oil production).
How to deal with it: De-grease your face and de-gunk pores using a facial wash and toner with salicylic acid in them. If you feel a pimple is about to emerge, slather the area with clay mask—it sucks out oil and grime from beneath the skin, therefore preventing the breakout.
The Week of Your Period
Zits developing on your face? They are because of last week’s progesterone surge and pore-clogging.
How to deal with it: Be more attentive with your skin’s cleansing needs. Remove make-up with make-up remover wipes and then wash your face with a benzoyl peroxide facial wash. Afterwards, slather some oil-free moisturizer to prevent the skin from over-drying.
The Week After the Period
After two weeks of bumpy ride, your progesterone levels have normalized—and so will your skin. However, some zits can be stubborn and may last for a few more days—they still need more of your attention.
How to deal with it: For stubborn zits, spot treat it with cortisone cream. Dab on the spot only once or twice total—too much can dry out the area and cause the skin to flake. And PS, this isn’t the time for you to slack. Sticking to a skin care regimen, even when acne-free, will prevent future breakouts.
Taking care of your skin will not only ensure clear skin, but will also change your life—it will lead to a better mood, better confidence, and less discomfort.