Pro Tips for Capturing the Perfect Selfie
It is okay to retake photos especially if you are just new with taking selfies but as you go along, you will learn to perfect it, score tons likes and be the popular person in your community. If you want to hasten the process of taking amazing selfies, you can consider the following easy tricks:
- Tilt your head: Tilting the head at an angle is a simple trick that you should master. Tilting the head at an angle is very effective in highlighting your cheekbones plus it can make your eyes look wider. This will surely yield off adorable vibes.
- Look for good lights: The secret to a perfect selfie is good lights. With the right light, it will spark your skin thereby making you look amazing. Thin of the hair too! It will be shiny. So next time you take a selfie, go outside and take advantage of the light.
- Find your pose: You should have a signature pose. This is like packaging your best features in the picture for show. If you feel good about your pose, your picture will say the same too. No matter the situation, always strike that pose.
- Consider editing apps: Editing is okay as long as you do not go far from reality. Editing is actually better than filter. There are different applications here in Singapore either free or at minimal cost. Editing your photos a little can surely land you many likes.
- Use fan: The oldest trick of photographers is fanning. Many magazines love this. If you have a fan around, use it. The glamorous movement of your hair can be the thing that you are waiting for. It should be few feet away from you so the pictures will look like natural.
- Hold it above: When taking selfie, the easiest thing that you can do is to hold the camera slightly above your head. This will give your selfies a stronger feel. If you want to showcase your outfit of the day, you have to consider this.
- Enjoy the process: Your followers may enjoy candid photos instead of scripted ones. You don’t have to take serious pictures all the time. Sometimes “wacky” is all you need to be vibrant. You will surely garner more followers if they saw that you are having a great time with the photos.
Hopefully these tricks are enough to make an amazing selfie. Always trust in the power of your smartphone, skills and your good looks. If you are still not taking good selfies, just patiently practice and you will surely master it in time.