Seven Amazing Ways to Repurpose Old Shirts
When de-cluttering your closet, you might find many shirts that either don’t fit you or simply aren’t wearable anymore, and cutting them from your wardrobe is definitely a way to clear up more space. But don’t throw them away just yet!

There’s more that you can do with old shirts without having to turn them into piles and piles of discarded textile waste. In fact, you’ve just found the perfect excuse to get started or continue your hobby of sewing and crocheting.
Here are a few ways to make use of the many shirts you no longer wear – and brush up on your sewing skills to boot:
1. Make a yarn basket
Cutting shirts into strips and weaving them into baskets can give you a new use out of old shirts as well as clearing them out from you closet. These new adorable containers aren’t just practical – they can be adorable gifts to give friends and family on any occasion.
2. Make a tote bag

Another way to repurpose those shirts and tank tops you have lying around is by making them into tote bags. Simply cut off the sleeves, turn them inside out, sew the bottom closed, and then turn them outside-in again – and voila! – easy bag!
3. Make braided bracelets
Old cotton shirts can be cut into thin strips and woven together with rattail cord to make braided braceletsthat you can pair with your new casual wardrobe as new accessories.
4. Make chew toys for pets
Love your little mutt but hate having bite marks on your footwear at home? The good news is you don’t have to spend as much effort anymore – simply take your old shirts and weave them into new dog chew toys. The best part is they’re totally washable.

5. Make stuffed toys
With a few shirts and a little bit of creativity, you can make stuffed animals to give your kids or give as gifts to your friends for any occasion. Just grab your stuffing and your sewing kit and you basically have everything you need to get started.
6. Make an apron
The bottom half of your old button-down polo can be repurposed into an apron, and a few extra scraps of patterned fabric can easily be sewn into it to give it just a little bit of color coordination that you’ll want to be wearing while cooking.

7. Make upcycled pillows
Shirts with faded prints are especially great for making into adorable pillows that add plenty of personality in any room or area they happen to be in. You can even make as many as you want because of how easy they are to make.