Six Steps for Protecting Your Kidneys  

Most Singaporeans already know that cancer and heart disease are silent killers so they go through blood pressure and cholesterol monitoring as well as mammograms for early detection. Few only realize that chronic kidney disease is a common life-threatening illness. Chronic kidney disease is often undetected until its advanced stage but it could be diagnosed early through submitting to simple tests.


According to the recent studies, more and more people are at risk of chronic kidney disease. If left untreated, chronic kidney disease can result to serious health complications. The good news though is that it if it is arrested early, it can be managed – the damage can either be stopped or slowed.

For those who are not suffering from it yet, it is important that you know the six steps for protecting your healthy kidneys. Here are the steps:

  1. Know the facts about chronic kidney disease. You should first understand what your kidneys can do so you can appreciate it. Kidneys can regulate your fluid levels. It can serve as a filter for toxins from your blood and releases hormones that can regulate your blood pressure. If your kidney is not healthy, it can lead to cardiovascular disease, weak bones, kidney failure, anaemia, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and worse, death.


  1. Assess the risks. People with diabetes or who are obese have higher risk of developing it. If you are already diabetic or obese, you have to submit for some tests. Other risk factors include cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and family history. Other risks factors include prolonged use of painkillers and other NSAIDs, low birth weight, 60 years or older, lupus, kidney stones, chronic urinary tract infections and many more.


  1. Recognize symptoms of chronic kidney disease. Early chronic kidney disease have no indications but it can be diagnosed. Many people ignore it because there are no symptoms. That is the greatest mistake you will make. You have to know before it hits but you can start with the following signs: weakness or fatigue, dark urine, foamy urine, painful urination, puffy eyes, swollen parts of the body and increased thirst.


  1. Get tested for chronic kidney disease. Even if you do not notice the symptoms, if you know that you belong to a high-risk group, you should get tested early. Consult your doctor. They will usually require one or all of the four simple tests. Tests include blood pressure, protein in urine, creatinine in blood and glomerular filtration rate.


  1. Stay healthy. You should not be reminded always to stay healthy. Avoid foods that lead to its damage, exercise regularly, quit smoking, always submit to annual physical tests, drink in moderation and stay hydrated.


  1. Learn more about chronic kidney disease. If you have questions in your mind, do not hesitate to ask and learn more.
