Top Health Benefits of Cereals  

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That is true and we should include cereals in our meal. A bowl of cereal can actually help us to jump start our day. Cereals are famous for its variety and nutrition – it is indeed a humble breakfast staple. Cereals proved to be appealing and convenient but millennials find corn flakes boring and soggy.    


Many Singaporeans consider cereals but there is a recent study published in New York Times that says cereals have declined in terms of sales. Sales of cereals in 2000 were about $13.9 billion but in the last year, it declined to $10 billion. According to reports, the main culprit for this sudden change is millennials.

According to Mintel, a market research firm, millennials see cereals as an inconvenient breakfast choice because it involves washing the dishes after. Millennials instead consider smoothies, yogurts and sandwiches. They do not eat it at home but take it outside. This gives us a good picture of the shift of breakfast choice. However it is not too late to let our children appreciate cereals. Cereals have many health benefits.

Here are the top health benefits of cereals:

  • Prevents constipation: If your child suffers from constipation, it is time that you prepare cereals. You have to know that cereals are rich source of fibre. Fibre facilitates stool and their passing in the digestive system. It makes the stool bulkier. The bulkier the stools, the more regular are the intervals. Preventing constipation is a good move in preventing haemorrhoids.
  • Aids digestion: Cereals are wholegrain. Wholegrain is a perfect source of fibre. Aside from preventing constipation, it seeks to aid digestion. Cereals provide good bacteria that contain probiotics which is basically god for the digestive tract.
  • Maintains healthy weight: Now you know that cereals are wholegrain. Wholegrain can in fact help maintain healthy weight. Cereals take longer to chew thereby sending signals to the brain that we are full.


  • Provides good source of calorie: Cereals are good source of calories. As you know, calories are capable of boosting energy. In other words, calories help us move, breathe, think and perform all sorts of mental and physical activities.
  • Offers vitamins and minerals: Cereals (unprocessed) contain tons of vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, phosphorus and many more. Once consumed, these vitamins and minerals are then absorbed, released to our bloodstream and go where the body needs it particularly. For example, magnesium goes to the muscles to help it make stronger.
  • Satiates hunger: Not all people know this but cereals can satiate hunger. This means that the calorie and the fibre can keep us full longer than any other food. It does not end there because cereals can make us calmer.

Aside from the inconvenience of cereals, millennials think that cereals are boring. Cereals can be fun and healthy at the same time. To make it more appealing, you only need to add dried or fresh fruits for more minerals and vitamins. You can also top it with seeds and buts for more fibre or eat it with plain yogurt.
