Virtual Switch

With technological advances these days, almost everything is achievable. One of which is online shopping, where one only needs a credit card, a computer, internet connection and electric. Thanks to technological advancement yet again, there is now another gadget which allows users to turn appliances off or on.

Let’s say that you’re hurrying off to work. You overslept and you’re late. After turning up at your workplace, you suddenly remember that you forgot to turn off the air-conditioner, lights of your bathroom and your electric kettle. In the past, you would probably need to run all the way back home to switch them off. However, with the new invention of this gadget, users can now log on into a web portal, where a live footage of your bedroom, your living room, your kitchen, so on and so forth, and with a click, your appliances will be switched off. Other than all these, users can also make the application adapt to weather conditions. This program, which took 24 hours to code, is called GREN (Green Remote Estate Network). It helps users save on their electricity bills and it, at the same time, also helps to save the environment.

The team which invented this device competed in a competition called “code::Xtremeapps::” and emerged Champions for the open category. Teams which competed in this particular competition were required to use at least three coding programs like Red Hat’s open source Java application server JBoss; Microsoft’s Project Nimbus, a platform that lets users access hosted information like meteorological data; and GermaniumWeb, a 3D tool created by homegrown firm G Element. Another team which designed a mobile phone application which showed images of recycle bins was also presented “the best mobile phone app” by mobile operator M1.