The Different Types of Light Pollution

It is not every day that you are educated about pollution but it is something that you have to keep in mind for the remainder of your life – if you want to live longer. Pollution, regardless of the kind, can have a negative effect on your health and the ecosystem. There are many kinds of pollution but not all see the gravity of light pollution.

Light pollution is everywhere even here in Singapore. In a world filled with darkness at night, one can understand the person’s desire to give or shine light. But you have to be aware of how far you can give or show light. Light pollution means the excessive and unnecessary use of artificial lights. All can be blamed of this phenomenon. It is actually one of the negative effects of modernization.

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Light pollution is a serious problem that should be addressed. Do not ignore it because you feel it is harmless. Lights can never harm anyone after all. But that is where you are wrong. You have to act now before it is too late for your children and the future. Start by raising awareness. To help to raise awareness, it is imperative that you know the types of light pollution.

Here are the types of light pollution:

    • Light trespass: When you hear trespass, it means invading another’s property. Light trespass happens when unwanted strong light shines on another’s property. This is serious because if the strong light goes through the window, it can lead to problems like sleep deprivation. The good thing is that governments determined a standard outdoor lighting to protect the rights of everyone.

    • Over-illumination: Over-illumination is a common problem. When you use lights too much, you also use barrels of oil every day and that is energy wasted. The common perpetrators are commercial buildings where they consume so much energy every day. The good news is that this problem can be easily corrected using inexpensive technology. The company just needs to consider it.

    • Glare: Glare is another type of light pollution that gives distress because of the brilliant light. It has three subcategories – blinding glare, disability glare and discomfort glare. The glare is especially a public health hazard and it worsens as you grow old.

    • Skyglow: Skyglow refers to diffused glow that is usually seen in populated areas. This is the cause of decreased visibility of stars at night. Astronomers particularly dislike this kind of light pollution because it interferes with their studies. It can be reduced with the help of the right lighting fixture.
