Birds You Can Keep as Pets in Singapore
It’s legal to keep birds as pets in Singapore as long as the species is not listed under CITES. If you need to import birds listed under CITES, you will need permits and to comply with the health requirements, although adopting endangered animals is usually discouraged.

Most of the species listed below are ideal for beginners, but they are not recommended for families with children, because they could easily injure these creatures unless they know how to handle birds properly. Most of these birds can live over the age of 10 years, but they often have shorter lives because of improper handling.
The diamond dove (Geopelia cuneate) and the ring-necked dove (Streptopelia capicola) are the most popular species of doves kept as pets. Older children can keep doves as pets because they are mild creatures and do not make a lot of noise. Their temperament will differ based on how you raise them, but they need companions all the time, whether it’s another dove or the owner.
Zebra Finch

This species of finch (Taeniopygia guttate) is a hardy bird that’s perfect for beginners. They are usually kept in pairs, however, and will not need a lot of companionship from humans. They also do not like being handled all the time, so they are perfect for people who do not want to train their pet to perch on them.
For owners who love to listen to bird songs, the canary (Serinus canaria) has a unique birdsong, but they are generally quiet unless they are trying to attract mates. However, they are not ideal for companionship and should not be handled all the time.
Ring-Necked Parakeet

This affectionate and chatty bird is the perfect companion for individuals who want a devoted pet. This means that this species of parakeet (Psittacula krameri) will need a lot of playtime outside its cage. However, it’s not an ideal pet for families with children because they are sensitive to noises.
Another smart companion bird, the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) is a sociable pet that will not hesitate to show its love and affection for its owner. They love playing and being touched and talked to by their owners, but are less hyperactive than lovebirds and other species of parrots.
Peach-Faced Lovebird

Another ideal companion pet, the peach-faced lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis) will want your attention and loyalty. Part of their attraction as pets is their ability to develop monogamous bonds even with humans. They need a lot of playtime because they are also curious, but they can have behavioral problems like territoriality, if the owner does not look after them properly.
These birds (Melopsittacus undulatus) are curious and smart and need constant stimulation through playing. If you want to keep just one bird, make sure that they get enough socialization and companionship from the others members of the family.